We All have Birthdays!
See what Clinic supporters are doing to celebrate
We all have birthdays, often marked by joyous celebrations. While receiving gifts can be wonderful, people are increasingly using the occasion to support causes about which they deeply care.
Birthday fundraisers are simple – all you need to do is pick an organization that you care about. Then, let people know that, “Instead of spending money on a birthday gift for me, please donate to this amazing organization that will put it to good use.” Because everyone who gives to your effort also has a birthday, you just might inspire your friends and family to launch their own birthday fundraisers, creating a chain reaction.
Marin resident issues a special invitation
Earlier this year, Mark Jacobs, MD used Evite to send out birthday invitations, asking his friends and family to honor him on his birthday by donating to Marin Community Clinic in lieu of gifts.
Dr. Jacobs was a founding doctor of Marin Maternity Services, which opened its doors in the late ‘70’s and started delivering 30-40 babies a month. In 2011, when the County of Marin’s obstetrics and gynecology service was moved to Marin Community Clinic, Dr. Jacobs participated in that transition and worked at the Clinic until he retired.
He is proud of what we do, and explains that “I am always looking for new ways to contribute to the good work.”
Even children are joining in
It’s not just adults participating in this phenomenon; surprisingly, children are doing it too. Imagine the impact it could have on the future when children learn life lessons about giving and supporting their community!
This summer, Clinic staff member Lindsay Boughey’s daughter was invited to yet another birthday party. In lieu of gifts, the invitation suggested donating to support Marin Community Clinic and the children who receive their medical and dental care here. “What a great way to teach philanthropy and foster altruism,” says Lindsay, “while also eliminating the inevitable clutter of random plastic objects that eventually cover every square foot of your home!”
Charitable contributions to Marin Community Clinic are what enable us to have that margin of excellence that we are known for. Please consider asking your friends and family to donate to Marin Community Clinic for a birthday or other special occasion.