At a Glance
- Third largest health care provider in Marin, serving over 34,000 patients/year; almost 40% are children
- Clinics in Larkspur, Novato, and San Rafael (medical, dental, and teen)
- Patient Centered Health Home model, which focuses on the patient/clinical team partnership
- Pediatric, Family and Adult Medicine – primary care, obstetrics and gynecology, family planning, behavioral health, and specialty care
- Pediatric and Adult Dentistry
- Optometry, Radiology, Pharmacy, Lab, Chiropractics, and referrals to specialists
- Weekly Community Health Hubs with fresh food pantries
- Over 471 staff, including doctors, dentists, nurses, and other clinicians
- Accepts Medi-Cal, Medicare, Covered California, and other insurances; patients without insurance receive sliding scale discounts
- Not-for-profit, supported by individuals, foundations, government grants, and public insurance reimbursement
Last year, we adopted the theme “Leveling the Playing Field in Health,” a focus that has become increasingly important, given events at the national level. Marin Community Clinics is resolute in its commitment to ensuring high quality, accessible and affordable care for all of our patients—regardless of their language, ethnicity, orientation, or immigration status.
Your support is critical to our success, and we thank you!
Mitesh Popat, MD, MPH – CEO
Patient Care News
Smooth Transfer of County Dental Services
In February, the county of Marin transferred its specialty medical services to Marin Community Clinics – part of a phased …READ MORE
Mobile Unit Increases Access to Screenings/Care
An ambulance donated by the Southern Marin Fire District is now a fixture at the Clinics’ Health Hubs in Novato and San Rafael. Every week, …READ MORE
Reducing the Opioid Epidemic
Marin Community Clinics has stepped up to join other Marin County organizations to address the widespread …READ MORE
Clinician Spotlight
Meet Ninad Athale, MD
The Clinics has hired its first addiction medicine specialist: Ninad Athale, MD.
A Family Medicine physician with special certification in addiction medicine, he is working with chronic pain patients to help them overcome their struggles with opioid use. Also, he is teaming up with …READ MORE
Donations Ensure Our Future

Solstice Celebration a Success
This year’s Summer Solstice Celebration, held June 20 at the Marin Art & Garden Center, honored Community Health Champions Dr. Patrick Bennett, Susan Wiebers, and Barbara Cancilla and was attended by over 200 supporters.
With your generosity, we raised $151,163 (including our first-ever Fund-a-Need and live auction, which together raised over $17,000). Proceeds will support patient care, including the Clinics’ Charity Care Fund. Many thanks to our major sponsors: Marin Community Foundation, Sutter Health, and Nancy & Rich Robbins.

Marin Community Clinics Gets High Ratings
The Health Resources & Services Administration, which conducts routine site visits of federally-funded community clinics, recently gave the Clinics an exceptional review. Special “kudos” were given to our patient quality outcomes, including our hypertension and diabetes management.
In April, the Clinics received a $1.37 million Quality Improvement Achievement award from Partnership HealthPlan of California, the insurance plan that serves low-income patients. The award ranks Marin Community Clinics among the top participating community clinics in Northern California.

Supporting Reproductive Health Access
We are proud to support Essential Access Health’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, to be held in San Francisco on September 12 and featuring former US Senator Barbara Boxer.
Founded to expand the availability of family planning services, Essential Access Health is grounded in the belief that the ability to make informed choices is essential for individual and community health and equity. It grants federal family planning funds and provides training to organizations such as ours. We thank them for their support and continued efforts to expand access, promote quality, train the health care workforce, and advance clinical research.
If you would like to make a donation online rather than through the mail, please visit
www.marinclinics.org/support-us. If you would like a tour of our Clinics,
please email gifts@marinclinics.org or call 415-526-8527.