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Preserving Health Care

By October 25, 2017November 24th, 2020No Comments

Preserving Health Care for Those in Need

Not too many months ago, it looked like the Affordable Care Act would be replaced by a new program that would have tremendous negative impact on the underserved.

Uncertainty remains

In early October, federal elected officials had reportedly given up on recent efforts to repeal the Act, which seemed like good news. However, later in the month there were new
efforts to dismantle at least a portion of the Act – efforts that could have a catastrophic effect. Undoubtedly, the situation will continue to unfold over the coming months, resulting in continuing uncertainty.
In another legislative process, Congress did not meet the October 1 deadline for renewal of $3.7 billion in special funding for the country’s community clinics. Although we are optimistic that this funding eventually will be renewed, the question is “When?” and “How much?” For smaller clinics, delays or decreases in funding could have a major impact on their ability to deliver care.

Advocacy continues

Given the above, associations of community health centers like the The Redwood Community Health Coalition (of which Marin Community Clinic is a member) will continue to advocate for access to high quality, accessible and affordable care.

Marin Community Clinic remains strong

Regardless of what the future might bring, Marin Community Clinic has positioned itself to be well-prepared for any future changes in the health care environment.

Our Board of Directors carefully oversees fiscal and operational management and we have an expert executive management team in place.

Importantly, we are in a stable financial position. We have a deep understanding of the complex funding mechanisms and requirements for Federally Qualified Health Centers. Our two reserve funds allow us to take advantage of new opportunities and adapt to unexpected needs arising from changes in the healthcare marketplace. Finally, we have an Endowment Fund at the Marin Community Foundation which, along with other philanthropic support from the community, greatly contributes to our long-term financial health.

Our patients tell the story

Collectively, our Coalition of 17 clinics serves 240,000 patients. It’s patients like these –the most vulnerable – who would be the most affected if access to affordable care went by the wayside.

“I’m a new man. Now, I can pick up my children!” — Jorge S., chronic hip pain sufferer and father of three children, whose surgery was arranged by the Clinic after extensive outreach to community surgeons.

“It’s all there – primary care, pediatric specialty care and referrals, behavioral health, dental, pharmacy. We’ve used it all.” —L.Hinck

“When I first came to the Dental Clinic, I was scared. If I had to go to the dentist now, I would be happy because they are helping me.” —Carlos, 10 years old

“God blessed me by putting [the patient navigator] into my life, especially since I can’t read. She helps me as much as possible and treats me with respect.” — Martina R.

“The Clinic goes the extra mile to treat our patients with compassion.” —Chris Bonfiglio, CEO of Casa Allegra Community Services, which supports adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

“I depend a lot on the Clinic. Catherine [the coordinator of the Intensive Outpatient Case Management Program] has made it more manageable… she is always finding ways to help me.” — Jamie F.

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