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Patient Care News Summer 2018

By July 17, 2018November 24th, 2020No Comments

Smooth Transfer of County Dental Services

In February, the county of Marin transferred its specialty medical services to Marin Community Clinics – part of a phased plan that included the November 2017 transfer of dental services. Former County patients with TB, Hepatitis C and HIV are now being cared for at our San Rafael Campus Clinic. The transfer has gone very smoothly; to-date, the patients we have served have expressed high satisfaction with their care.

Mobile Unit Increases Access to Screenings/Care

An ambulance donated by the Southern Marin Fire District is now a fixture at the Clinics’ Health Hubs in Novato and San Rafael. Every week, a nurse practitioner conducts an average of 40 hypertension and diabetes screenings out of the mobile unit.

The mobile unit is a great way to educate community members about chronic conditions, connect them with the Clinics, and get them to needed care,” reports Jacqueline Jones, Director of Medical Operations.

Reducing the Opioid Epidemic

Marin Community Clinics has stepped up to join other Marin County organizations to address the widespread opioid addiction epidemic. A key goal is to reduce the usage of these powerful drugs, which have been widely employed to address pain control but are highly addictive.

Babak Ettekal, MD, San Rafael Clinic Site Medical Director, represents the Clinics on Rx Safe (a countywide coalition) and leads our efforts to educate clinicians, develop practice guidelines, and provide patient classes/groups. Thus far, the results have been positive for both Clinics patients and the county as whole.