Marin Community Clinics and Center Point
Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment with Primary Care
Marin Community Clinics and Center Point, Inc., one of Marin’s long-time providers of vital substance use and mental health disorder treatment and supportive services, have formed a new partnership. This important development has enabled both organizations to build an integrated care clinic with a robust rehabilitation path for many community members.
How is a “single point of entry” enabled through this partnership?
Marin Community Clinics recently opened a clinic within Center Point’s Multi-Service Center in San Rafael. The Clinics’ care team provides medical evaluations, required by Center Point’s admission process, as well as additional medical services. This model enables Center Point to admit clients in an easy and efficient manner as it offers a single point of entry into the program. Otherwise, clients would need to overcome transportation and other possible barriers that could significantly delay treatment.
Our next step: further integration of behavioral health services.
What are the benefits of this collaboration?
Working together to help Center Point clients allows both organizations to more efficiently communicate and further address issues. For example, the timely exchange of medical tests, results, and information will lead to improved health care quality, safety, and outcomes.
If Center Point clients are already Clinics’ patients, they continue to receive care. If not, they can easily become patients. Center Point clients have historically used the emergency room to receive care for a variety of reasons — not having health insurance, not knowing where to go, being affected by the stigma associated with homelessness and addiction, among others.
What is Center Point?
Center Point is a non-profit organization that is one of the nation’s leading health and social services agencies, with programs in California and Texas. It provides comprehensive services to adults, families, homeless individuals, veterans, substance users, those with mental health issues, those who are unemployed, and those involved with the criminal justice system. The program’s fundamental goal is to develop individual, personal, and moral responsibility and to nurture the full potential of those served.
What services does Center Point offer?
Services include assessment and evaluation, residential programs, outpatient programs, relapse prevention and aftercare, transitional and permanent housing, job preparation training, vocational programs, job placement assistance, case management and specialized gender appropriate services. Ongoing recovery support is provided as well as opportunities to participate in transitional housing and supportive services. In Marin County, Center Point’s headquarters is in San Rafael. The residential and outpatient programs include three locations in San Rafael and a variety of transitional housing sites located around the county. Center Point accepts Medi-Cal, private insurance, and has a sliding scale fee structure.