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Health Care for ALL

By July 8, 2019November 24th, 2020No Comments

What Our Patients Say

Marin Community Clinics is here to serve everyone in the community who needs high quality healthcare — from the most vulnerable and the uninsured, to Medicare enrollees and people with other insurance plans.

Read what five patients from different walks of life say about the Clinics.


Mother of three Irma has always had to look out for her two adult sons, Barry and Roy, who are autistic.

The family is insured through Kaiser, but currently comes to the Clinics for dental care. For some time, Irma had been looking for a dentist who would be good at treating her special-need sons. Dental visits were very distressing and she always had to accompany them. After struggling to find the right dentist, she learned about the Clinics dental program and decided to give it a try.

Over time, things changed for the better. Barry developed more self-confidence and now comes by himself; Roy feels more at ease. Irma believes it was the Clinics dentist’s expertise and patience that made the difference. “The Clinics changed the way my boys see dentists and dental clinics. The staff makes them feel comfortable and takes the time to explain everything. They are prepared to take care of all kinds of patients.”


Kathy is a former nanny. For over 25 years, she worked for several families in Marin County. While working, access to quality healthcare was not an issue — she had the means to pay and could easily find services.

Once eligible for Medicare, Kathy needed to find a good medical home — a place where she would not feel rushed and could efficiently access all the dental and medical services she required. She was referred to our Clinics by the hospital where she was once seen, but didn’t know the Clinics accepted Medicare patients — and didn’t think we could help her. “Like a lot of people, I did not think the Clinics would be a good fit for me… but I was wrong. Not only did they help me, they made me feel human,” says Kathy.

Nowadays, Kathy enjoys coming to the Clinics and has used several of our services. She appreciates the time the staff takes to assist her and is impressed with their knowledge and skills: “I am a big critic of the US health system, but I have so much respect for the quality of care the Clinics offers. Everyone who has helped me has gone above and beyond …it has been life changing,” states Kathy.


Danielle, a hair stylist, is a single mom who had been without insurance. About five years ago, she started getting disturbing symptoms — panic attacks, feeling and looking unhealthy, and losing weight. Plus, her daughter left home for college, which made her even more anxious. “This was the hardest time of my entire life. I couldn’t cope on my own. I had always been healthy and normal…I was devastated.” Danielle could no longer work and eventually lost all of her clients.

A friend encouraged her to contact the County, which enrolled her in Medi-Cal and referred her to the Clinics.

“I just came here for a blood test, but I stayed,” she explained. “After the Clinics changed my medication, I started getting better within 90 days and got a lot of helpful referrals.”

Today, Danielle is back at work and off disability. “My story is about a person who went from fully functioning to not functioning and back to functioning because of Medi-Cal and the Clinics.”

“Everyone at the Clinics worked together to put me in the right direction. I’m grateful. My experience was far superior — organized, more personal, on time — every person, every time. It wasn’t what I expected. I expected nothing and I got everything.”


Middle school teacher Abigail enjoys hiking and volunteering and is contemplating the idea of pursuing a Master’s Degree. For someone so full of energy, health is a top priority.

Marin Community Clinics has been Abigail’s health home since she was a child — receiving medical, dental, and a variety of specialized care.

She attributes her good health to the Clinics — “I haven’t had any major health problems,” she confides with a smile.

“The nutrition and fitness advice I have received has helped me stay healthy.”

Abigail knows that she has other options for care, but chooses to stay with the Clinics because of her positive experiences. “I could have gone elsewhere, but I chose to stay where I knew everyone.” Today, she wears another “hat” at our Clinics — following a stint with us as a volunteer, she recently joined our Board of Directors.


Sebastian has dealt with serious health issues throughout his adult life — high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney problems. A year ago, things took a turn for the worse when he had a disabling stroke. Since then, he has been unable to work and can no longer play soccer with his sons. He has struggled with taking his medications and consequently has had frequent hospitalizations.

A Clinics patient for over ten years, we have been closely following his health status, including connecting him with both our case management team and the County’s.

Today, his hospitalizations have decreased, he regularly takes his medication, and his overall health has improved.

“I take a lot of medications and have too many health problems,” he explains. “I needed someone to help me organize my medications and help me remember when to take them. My case manager has literally saved my life.”

“I’m so thankful for the Clinics,” he concludes. “I looked sick and now I look like normal.” Little by little, Sebastian hopes to take back control of his life, eventually going back to work and playing soccer with his boys.