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Fall 2017 News

By October 27, 2017November 24th, 2020No Comments

What’s New at Marin Community Clinics?

County to Transfer Patients to Marin Community Clinic

In the coming months, community members who currently receive dental and infectious disease services at the County of Marin’s Department of Health and Human Services clinics will be transferred to Marin Community Clinic for care. Patients being transferred will include adult and pediatric dental patients as well as patients needing treatment for HIV, Hepatitis C, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis. Services will be provided in the same San Rafael location as they were before, but the care will be provided by the Clinic team.

Patients will receive integrated, comprehensive caredds-agard-with-adult-dental-2017_sm

Approved by the Marin County Board of Supervisors, the decision was based on a recommendation from County health leadership to ensure that the patients – among the most vulnerable in the community – will receive integrated, comprehensive care.

Patients will have access to the full range of the Clinic’s services, including all medical services; behavioral health; nutrition, health education, prevention and health screenings; social work services: and, enrollment in insurance and nutrition programs; referral to outside specialists; and, on-site pharmacies and labs.

Importantly, each patient will have a primary care physician who understands his/her full medical needs.
“Research shows that patients who have coordinated care within one system have improved outcomes, including fewer emergency room visits and hospital readmissions,” reported Matt Willis, MD, MPH, the County’s public health officer.

Smooth transition for patients

The County and the Clinic are working side-by-side to make this a seamless transition for the patients and to ensure their access to care.

Multiple work teams are meeting regularly to prepare for the transfer. In addition, the Clinic is recruiting additional dentists, registered dental assistants, and support staff to increase appointment access, and also plans to hire an infectious disease specialist. Both the County and the Clinic are communicating directly with patients to answer any questions or concerns, and a number of patients have already set up appointments at the Clinic.

The goal is to transfer the dental patients on November 6; medical patients will likely be transferred in early 2018.

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