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Campaign for the Next Decade: Growing a Resilient & Responsive Health Care System

Back in 2008, Marin Community Clinics was at a tipping-point. The non-profit was already an essential community safety net providing medical services to the most vulnerable in Marin, but the amount of patients receiving care – about 16,000 per year at the time – was more than its two modest locations could comfortably accommodate. The Clinics took action.

Spearheaded by community leaders, a capital campaign was launched. With the help of local officials and generous donors, the 2008 campaign allowed for an expansion and new services in the San Rafael Canal neighborhood and Novato. It was a bold investment, and with it, the Clinics grew substantially – earning the community’s trust and support along the way.

The Growing Need
In 2022, the Clinics are facing another pivotal moment, but things are different. Now, nearly 40,000 patients – from children to older adults and entire families – rely on the organization as their trusted medical, dental, and behavioral health care home. The Clinics partners with Marin County and community organizations, is a prominent local employer, and offers comprehensive and preventative health care services.

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While the Clinics’ impact has soared, the need for services has grown exponentially. The COVID-19 pandemic may or may not be here to stay, but the economic fallout and hardship it has created isn’t going away. “We’re in a position where we must do something,” said Mitesh Popat, MD, MPH, Chief Executive Officer. “We must respond to the need and growing demand for services.” Marin Community Clinics has always found a way to keep the doors open – through power blackouts and throughout the pandemic.

The Campaign For the Next Decade
Fourteen years after its first capital campaign, the Clinics is once again scaling-up operations and calling supporters to action. To meet the critical demand for services head-on, and to secure the future of equitable health care in Marin, the Clinics’ goal is to raise $8 million for four key initiatives:

1. Respond to Marin’s Burgeoning Dental Need

Today, the dental team operates 7 days a week, but only half of medical patients receive dental care; which means that the other half do not. Simply put, the Clinics need more chairs to boost access to dental services. “We’re learning that more and more patients – including children and older adults – have delayed visiting the dentist for several years,” explained Connie Kadera, DDS, Chief Dental Officer. “Regular dental care is essential to overall health and well-being.”

The purchase and renovation of the dental office complex located at 411 Fourth Street in San Rafael

2. Increase Adult Care, Including Services for Older Adults

To better serve Marin’s booming population of older adults, we’ve opened a new clinic in Greenbrae that is conveniently located near MarinHealth Medical Center and several specialists. With 11 state-of-the-art exam rooms and counseling and education rooms, our multi-disciplinary team addresses the complex needs of adults, including older adults.

The Dennis & Susan Gilardi Medical Clinic is now open at 1260 South Eliseo Drive, Greenbrae

3. Expand and Enhance Medical and Behavioral Health Services

To improve patient experiences and access to care, including telehealth services, a new medical and behavioral health clinic will improve access to patients living in San Rafael, San Anselmo, Fairfax, and surrounding areas. It will also serve as the Clinics’ innovation center – a space to pilot program improvements, expand telehealth services, and more.

Coming Soon: West San Rafael Clinic at 1618 Second Street

4. Invest in Top Healthcare Professionals

Competition, high cost of housing, and an industry-wide shortage of medical professionals makes recruiting and retaining clinicians challenging. A Provider Recruitment and Retention Fund will provide signing and retention bonuses, student loan repayment packages, and relocation costs. “The fund will enable us to maintain the precedent we’ve set in recruiting outstanding medical providers,” said Melanie Thompson, DO, Chief Medical Officer.


Act now to support these crucial initiates: To learn about exclusive donor recognition and naming opportunities, contact: Judith Snead at or 415-526-8511. Visit for further details.

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